From mid July, the Basque Country White Tunas have reached our coasts. They seem to be finding good food in the Bay of Biscay which means that they are getting nearer our coasts and our fishermen can catch them one by one, the traditional way.
In Olasagasti we are purchasing fresh White Tuna the optimum size -between 9 and 11 kilos- caught by means of rods, 8 hours off the coast. The fish is usually unloaded at Getaria and Hondarribia harbours to be immediately processed -still fresh- in our premises.
We are always highlighting the importance to defend and differentiate the local fish. Identifying the fish is hard work, especially when huge amounts of them are unloaded within a short time. However, the Basque fishing associations consider the identification of the product vital so as to strengthen our activity.
The Basque Country White Tuna is a high quality species caught one by one by fishermen from our Basque float, using rods and bait instead of nets. This traditional method improves the quality of the fish, guarantees the sustainability of the Basque fishing grounds and also favours marine resources.
Olasagasti by Conservas Dentici has been committed to this initiative from the beginning. Matteo Orlando, the manager, is one of the promoters and President of the Asociación de Conserveros Artesanos Vascos (Association of Traditional Canners of the Basque Coast). He is in favour of using all the necessary means to keep the grounds alive, fishing responsibly and guaranteeing the origin of the fish as well as its traditional processing.
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